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Technical Systems Testing Inc
  • 英文名称: Technical Systems Testing Inc
  • 中文名称: 北美技術系統測試
  • 网站地址:http://www.tstglobal.com/
  • 所在国家:澳大利亚

As an internationally recognised and accredited testing facility, Technical Systems Testing (TST) offers a full range of testing and consultation services for the terrestrial (traditional / land-based) and interactive (remote) gaming, wagering and lottery industries to ensure that gaming operates in a manner that is fair, secure and auditable.

Our independent testing and consultation services are relied on by gaming industry regulators, operators and software suppliers to ensure that gaming systems comply with supplier specifications, generally accepted industry standards and strict legislative and regulatory requirements. The resulting certifications are recognized in all first tier regulated jurisdictions worldwide and our client base includes the overwhelming majority of operators therein.

TST's services are delivered by a customer-orientated and multi-disciplined team of trained computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians and information systems security auditors possessing firsthand knowledge and experience in today's leading edge technologies.


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